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dekoratives Rezeptbild


200 g Butter
100 g Staubzucker
50 g ger. Mandeln
1 Dotter
240 g Backfein Mehl glatt
30 g Kakao
etwas Vanillezucker


Aus allen Zutaten einen Teig kneten, runde Kekse ausstechen u. backen. Die Kekse mit Ribiselmarmelade oder Nutella zuammensetzen und zur Hälfte in Schokolade tauchen.

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Weitere Rezepte der Kategorie
Kuchen, Kekse & süße Mehlspeisen


Haberfellner Mühle GmbH
Leopold-Haberfellner-Platz 1
AUT-4710 Grieskirchen

Tel. (+43) 07248 / 62683
Fax: (+43) 07248 / 62683-50
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Supported by federal and state governments and the European Union

Grant agreement P2035682-VVE01 dated 15 November 2022: purchase of a new milling plant and a small packaging system, expansion of flour silos, extension of power supply.

Grant agreement P1500467-VVE03 dated 29 June 2016: investments to improve productivity by optimising the small packaging system, grain cleaner, lifts, and automation.